'World of Pure Imagination'

November 23, 2016

'World of Pure Imagination'

Well I havn't been writing my blog for a while as it has just been so hectic in the Incredible Bakery.

Who doesn't love the lickable wallpaper scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when Snozzberries taste like 'Snozzberries!'  This was my absolute favourite film when I was young and when we were asked to print 320 edible menus for a Willy Wonka Charity Ball I was thrilled! This idea was to help raise money for the charity but is just one of the original ideas that rice paper and fondant can be used for.


This idea could be implemented for dinner parties or for children's parties perhaps? Anything is possible in creating edible rice paper and fondant at our bakery.

Well I must get on as I have cakes to bake! 108 cupcakes to be exact!

Happy Baking!


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